Corporate Governance Reform: Turning business towards long-term success
The IPPR Commission on Economic Justice is a landmark initiative to rethink economic policy for post-Brexit Britain. Launched in November 2016, it brings together leading figures from across society – from business and trade unions, civil society organisations and academia – to examine the challenges facing the UK economy and make practical recommendations for reform.
The Commission publishes discussion papers to contribute to debate on issues of major importance. This one looks at why reforming corporate governance is critical to addressing the UK’s longstanding economic weaknesses. Research and deliberations have led to three propositions, which the Commission puts forward for debate.
- The British model of corporate governance contributes to Britain’s economic problems.
- Exclusive shareholder-based governance is not well founded in either theory or practice.
- Three key reforms would improve economic performance, reduce inequality and build public trust in business.
Reforming corporate governance is not a panacea on its own for Britain’s economic weaknesses. But rewriting the rules that govern how firms operate is a crucial step towards building a more productive economy that works for everyone.
For further information or to contact the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice visit:
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