
There is widespread agreement that the further education system should be more 'demand led', but whose demands are we talking about? In this report Simone Delorenzi argues that adult learners themselves should be in the driving seat, with flexible entitlements to courses and financial support that is available to every adult learner but targeted at those who need it most.

There is widespread agreement that the further education system should be more 'demand led', but whose demands are we talking about?

In this report Simone Delorenzi argues that adult learners themselves should be in the driving seat, with flexible entitlements to courses and financial support that is available to every adult learner but targeted at those who need it most. She argues that colleges should have more autonomy and that local authorities should have a bigger role in coordinating provision.

This report is vital reading for all those involved in adult education policy, including further education institutions, local authorities, researchers and policy professionals. It comes at a critical time for the adult learning debate, following the Leitch Review of Skills and preceding the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review, which will allocate resources and set priorities for the whole education sector.