
In recent years the creative industries have become an increasingly significant part of the UK economy and labour market: they are growing faster than almost any other sector, and represent a major comparative advantage. In so far as there is a 'march of the makers', the creative industries are the modern makers.

Despite their strong performance and global position, the UK's creative industries have been largely overlooked in the government's recent moves towards developing an industrial strategy. This is a mistake: both the sector and the country at large would benefit greatly from the government adopting a more coherent and strategic approach in this area. As a source of high-skilled, high value-added jobs, the creative industries represent an opportunity for Britain to win the global 'race to the top', and to make the overall economy more dynamic and competitive by further developing the numerous creative centres that already exist across the country, rather than continuing to focus on London.

Drawing connections between many different policy areas, this report examines how better investment, commissioning policies, tax reliefs, copyright law, digital infrastructure, workforce development and training, regional support and export promotion could maximise the UK's existing comparative strengths across the creative industries.

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