
The first volume of the new journal from ippr@warwick, the thinktank based at the University of Warwick in partnership with ippr. The issue's principle theme is the war on drugs.

Full contents:

  • The Curious Case of Drugs, Afghanistan and the War on Terror - Justin Waite and Shahnaz Akhter
  • The Poppy: Its role within Afghanistan and what it could become - Alex Di Mascio
  • The War on Drugs In Mexico - Grace Massey
  • Why Prisons Don't Work - Thomas Parr
  • A Guest Special: Improving Access to Medicine through Participation and a Human Rights Approach - Dr Maria Stuttaford
  • Should International Governments Intervene in the Growing Drug-Trafficking Problem in Colombia? - John Jackson-Houlston
  • A Guest Special: Pharmaceutical Drugs, Access to Essential Medicines and Intellectual Property Agreements - Dr James Harrison
  • An ippr@Warwick Conference Special: Erasmus Students in Intercultural Dialogue - Jolanta Cyrankowska
  • A Written Constitution for the United Kingdom - John Kwan