
This paper examines the implications of increasing migration to rural areas, looking in particular at the economics of this phenomenon. We explore the roles migrants are playing, the economic impacts of migration on existing populations and businesses, and what future migratory trends might be. In particular, we consider whether recent migration to rural Britain has led to any risks for rural economies; and if so, how these risks can be managed.

Migration to and from the UK has changed distinctively over the last decade, with increased immigration and emigration. Migratory movements have also become more diverse. Migrants have been coming from more places than ever before, and are found across a similarly diverse variety of locations and sectors within the UK. Importantly, this includes more migration to rural areas, particularly since the expansion of the European Union in 2004.

The expansion of migration to rural areas has had a range of impacts on rural economies. Migrants have made significant economic contributions: filling vacancies and skills gaps and promoting job creation and productivity. Migrants have been particularly important in supporting some key sectors including agriculture, food processing and hospitality.

This paper examines the implications of increasing migration to rural areas, looking in particular at the economics of this phenomenon. We explore the roles migrants are playing, the economic impacts of migration on existing populations and businesses, and what future migratory trends might be. In particular, we consider whether recent migration to rural Britain has led to any risks for rural economies; and if so, how these risks can be managed.