
Over the next two decades, the number of people aged over 80 is set to double in Britain. This presents challenges for the way public services are delivered, the way our towns and cities are designed, and the way families organise their lives.

While often described as a city for the young, London is not immune to the challenges of an ageing population. The number of people over the age of 80 living in London is estimated to rise by 40 per cent over the next 30 years, reaching 350,000 by 2031.

London's public services must respond to the changing needs of the population they serve. Our research with service providers and older service users across London identified four priorities for public policy:

  • Focus on services within the community rather than big institutions
  • Provide a better flow of information about the services that are available across the capital
  • Improve assessment and referrals
  • Social care requires both investment and reform.

At a time of rapid change, it is crucial that service providers and policymakers are equipped with evidence on how they can adapt to the needs of London's oldest residents. This report summarises the findings from a year-long programme of research, profiling London's ageing population and setting out our findings in three policy areas:

  • Home-based care
  • Dementia care
  • Social isolation