
Social justice demands that millions of our fellow citizens who are currently marginalised, excluded and alienated need to be brought back into the mainstream labour market. In this challenging report, John Adams argues that the UK has not yet reached full employment and that disadvantaged groups and the economically inactive should be the focus of a progressive policy agenda.

Social justice demands that millions of our fellow citizens who are currently marginalised, excluded and alienated need to be brought back into the mainstream labour market. The challenge is enormous but so can be the rewards.

High Levels of employment are essential in the fight against poverty and deprivation. The cost of worklessness is considerable, through both a loss of national income and production and an adverse impact upon the public finances. The government must focus on full employment if it is to achieve social justice and maintain a strong economy.

In this challenging report, John Adams argues that the UK has not yet reached full employment and that disadvantaged groups and the economically inactive should be the focus of a progressive policy agenda.