
August brings the prospect of exam results and young people having to decide on their next steps in life. This edition of Youth Tracker focuses on what we can do to put these young people at the forefront of education and skills policy.

This is the fourth edition of Youth Tracker, ippr's quarterly newsletter looking at how Britain's young people are faring in the recession and recovery, and what can be done to support them.

We look at what surveys tell us about why some people disengage from school, and analyse the latest labour market statistics to understand which young people are at greatest risk of being out of work or training. John Hayes MP, Minister with joint responsibilities in both the Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, sets out the Coalition government's plans to support young people as they start their careers. Of course, it's what happens on the ground that really makes a difference. That's why we open this edition with an interview with a 19-year-old man who is trying to change things in his local area, and include stories from some of the Private Equity Foundation charities to understand what is going on in our communities.